It was a taste of Christmas in school, today, as the South West Heritage Service came in and led a session in Chestnut Class – all about Victorian Christmas! They had a brilliant time and I was delighted to be hosting a parental tour as their learning was going on, taking in their art and crafts as we trundled through the classroom:
Pine Class display their real passion for reading via an online padlet – a place where they put their best-reads and recommendations for their Pine friends! Padlets are great and you could start your own for a whole range of things as a family on
PTA News
On Monday, we will publish the details for Dress Down Friday, which will be all about helping raise resources for our Grand Christmas Raffle! As always, we massively appreciate your help with everyone connected to PTA and raising vital finance for Thurlbear.
Thanks so much to the many families that have supported the shoebox appeal proposed by George. There are over 20 boxes off to ARC Taunton, next week.