End of Week 3 Review

‘Flu vaccination information has been sent out in a separate school blog. Please contact Somerset SAINTs on the contact number if you are having any issues. Our date is 10th October and the link will close at midday on the working day before our school’s scheduled session date. All forms will need to be submitted prior to this date.

The School Food Standards legislation states that lower fat milk must be available for all pupils during the school day and should be offered free of charge for children eligible for benefits-based free school meals. In the attached form, you can found out more information should you wish to sign up for children over 5. Our Under-5s are already offered it free of charge.

Parent Registration Letter Milk

Mr Gunstone took our girls’ tag rugby team to Taunton Rugby Club, yesterday. After the tournament, he was delighted to receive our ‘School Games Mark’ GOLD award! The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success. This award reflects the hard work put in to offer as much sport as we can to our pupils, both in school time and extra-curricular offers. Mr Gunstone’s passion and momentum, Miss Davenport’s commitment and organisation, along with Mr Webb, Mr Selwood and Mrs Lewis and Mr Prisk as parent volunteers, have really taken us forward and we hope to do even more in the future. If anyone would like to help run a club, please come and speak to us!

It is a busy time across the school:

Monday 2:45 – 3:15: Mrs Strong will be hosting a Chestnut phonics/reading session for families. This will set out our scheme, approach, philosophy and top tips for parents and carers. If you cannot make this one, then it is repeated on Wednesday.

Monday 4pm Cross Country @ Kings: This is for years 3 – 6 and please Dojo Mr Gunstone if you are attending, as we need to give approximate numbers of those attending.

Tuesday 2pm Thurlbear Tours begin! These are for families for the September intake 2025. If any families have friends who are interested in looking around, please get them to contact Mrs Carter in the office on 01823 442277. We already have lots of interest.

Wednesday Years 3 and 5 Workshops with the Churches Conservation Trust, including a walk to nearby St Thomas Church to look at key features.

Wednesday 2:45 – 3:15: Chestnut families phonics/reading session.

Thursday 10am: Thurlbear Tour.

Thursday 3:15pm: Pre-loved uniform sale (see the poster, below). Your PTA are asking for any donations!

Thursday after school: Years 5/6 mixed tag rugby tournament @ Taunton Rugby Club.

Friday: Year 5 Celebration Worship and Worker of the Week.

Date for diaries: PTA AGM is being held at school Wednesday 2nd October 6pm. Everyone is very welcome to come along and get involved as little or as much as you want.

ASDA Cashpot currently shows at £146.90 that families have raised through shopping with Asda. Simply download the Asda Rewards app on your phone and follow the instructions to choose our school! Every penny raised will be spent on resources in school.

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