Our Tag Rugby team went to Taunton Rugby Club and had a great time, exhibiting their usual skills and teamwork. Thanks to Mr Gunstone for taking them along and we look forward to more opportunities to experience sport out of school. There will be a new approach to some football competitions, with schools potentially visiting us for games and we are trying to organise hosting these opportunities. Our Values Team are in discussion with Mr Gunstone about what clubs would be popular after half term, bearing in mind the encroaching nights and deteriorating weather.
A reminder to parents/guardians to complete the online consent form for ‘flu vaccinations, due to be held 10th October in school. The link for the form will close at mid-day on the working day before the session. The parent/guardian letter includes the link:
Here is a short video, provided by Somerset SAINT, explaining why the flu vaccination is given, for families to share with young people if you feel it’s appropriate Getting your flu vaccination (youtube.com)
Today was noticeably colder, so please consider what clothing your child is bringing to school. We had a number with no coat or jumper, which could be an obvious problem as we go into Autumn.
Christmas cards are on the way home! IQ Card forms are coming home and MUST be back in school by FRIDAY 11th OCTOBER. Payment has to be returned with the order and please put the payment in an envelope (as that really helps us with organisation). We cannot process order without the payment. These are, generally, very well received by family members as lovely Christmas gifts!

Monday: Thurlbear Tour 10am
Monday: Year 1 walking to the farm!
Wednesday: Year 3 Museum Workshop
Wednesday: Thurlbear Tour 2pm
Thursday: PTA AGM 6:30pm in the hall
Friday: Thurlbear Tour 10am
Friday: Year 4 Celebration Worship (families welcome) and WotW