End of Week 5 Review

School Aged Immunisation Team (SAINT):
Below is a QR code that will link to the Somerset School Aged Immunisation Team Facebook page, who update it regularly with information regarding their vaccinations and clinics:

Our own date is 10th October for the vaccinations, so please ensure you have read our previous posts regarding the vaccination and steps for you to take. Flu vaccination for children: leaflets and posters – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) More information can be found here.

Reflecting on lunches, the online system has now improved since the start of term and pupils are into the swing of our online, tap-on-the-screen system at lunchtime.
For many families, our lunch service will be a mystery, so a quick overview:
We start at 12pm with our Chestnut Class and every pupil receiving a hot meal will find their name on the screen and tap it. This is replicated on the server’s side and our teaching staff help them find their names initially (Chestnuts have been so quick to pick this system up). There is then a steady stream of classes into the hall where we sit and eat/socialise. Once Years 1 to 6 have finished, they walk outside and around our field. The balance of time is usually 30mins playground play, 15mins eating, 15mins around the field. This balance means games can still be played safely on the playground, and pupils also get a chance to walk calmly with peers on our path. Obviously, pupils can take as much time as they need to eat! Lunch for Key Stage 2 finishes at 1:20pm.
Regarding our food, I have been very impressed with the quality of the offer and how positively our pupils eat. I help clean plates almost every day in the hall, as it gives me a chance to talk with pupils and get their views. If your child is wearing a small star when they get home, this is because we have celebrated something about their lunchtime: perhaps they have eaten really well, their manners were fantastic to staff or they helped someone from a younger class.


Our PTA had a brilliant meeting, last night, and there was plenty of support for the calendar of events ahead of us. Before we commit any funds to improving our collections, and with a potential pre-Christmas clear-out coming in your homes, would anyone have any of the following that could be donated to school:
– Duplo?
– Figures (dinosaurs/good vehicles)?
– Lego (I know Lego is very popular!) and Lego bases, if possible!

And here comes a list from Mrs Strong!

tea set – plastic or china! Play food (wooden or plastic). Small kitchen equipment (pans, plates, kettles). ironing board and iron! baby doll clothes. Small doll and clothes. Farm buildings. Garage. Pirate ship? Dressing up clothes. Any all-in-ones children have outgrown (our Chestnuts love the messy play area!).

Tuesday 8th: Year 5 trip to Magdalene Farm (Mr Gillan attending, too.)

Thursday 10th: ‘Flu Vaccinations

Friday 11th: Parent Tour
Friday 11th: Celebration Worship Year 3


Year 6 have had an amazing time making scabs – all for their science learning about the body….

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