SAFEGUARDING 1: In a recent blog, I discussed the reasons for trialling the closing of our side gate. Today, this has started very well and I thank all families for their cooperation. I am engaging with Highways to see if the small verge adjacent to the playground (1/2m wide) can be adapted to suit walking.
SAFEGUARDING 2: Please do let us know, in advance, if someone else is taking your child/ren home. If it becomes a regular arrangement, then you only need to tell us the first time, either by email or ringing into the office. As mentioned previously, Dojo/Tapestry is NOT the best place for this message, as teachers do not usually get the time to check messages during the school day. If we have received no communication from families, then please expect a call before anyone is allowed home!
Our parental engagement tools are there to bring home and school closer together (a massive plus during the pandemic months), but please do consider the time of the day that you message, as we have very committed teachers and they cannot help themselves looking at messages into their own evenings, which makes the home/life balance hard to manage sometimes. I have asked teachers to switch ‘quiet times’ on their notifications. Anything urgent can be emailed into the office
I have updated our school website with all the latest events and timings, so families can see them in advance. This includes our Christmas Disco 22nd November and, as usual, staff will be present to provide safeguarding and first aid cover:
and there are other community events on, such as:
(6.30pm FOR EYES DOWN 7pm)
Neroche Parish Hall
Booking essential Email
In the run-up to Christmas, we will try and balance our ‘appeals’ to you as families:
- We will be asking for bottle / chocolate contributions for our Christmas tombola – details to follow.
- We will be asking for a small contribution (colour-coordinated) for our Christmas Raffle hampers – details to follow.
- In light of a conversation with a year 6 pupil, I would like to suggest we also support Taunton ARC (homeless charity) in their Christmas shoebox appeal. Again, we will send details out on this next week and this can be as little as you wish.
I am very aware that there is a lot of ‘asking’ in the list, above. All 3 are voluntary and, as always, it is at your own limit. “The Widow’s Offer” in Mark 12 tells us to celebrate that the smallest gift can mean the most, so any contribution is hugely appreciated and keeps us humble as a community.