
Ofsted Inspection Date: 26 June 2018

Overall effectiveness: The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

Nurturing Community

Our approach to developing a nurturing community in a secure environment is evident from first entering the school. We make sure that pupils’ welfare is at the centre of all decisions and that every child is valued and cared for. Staff members who responded to the staff questionnaire said that they are proud to work at the school. They value Mr Gillan’s leadership and feel respected by school governors and by the local community.​


Since Mr Gillan became the permanent headteacher in April 2017, he has quickly gained an accurate view of the school’s performance. His prompt and decisive action is further improving pupils’ progress. ​


Middle leaders display the same drive and ambition as senior leaders and reinforce the sense that everyone in the school is focused resolutely on securing good outcomes for pupils.​


Leaders and staff sustain a positive safeguarding culture across the school.

​Pupils feel safe and say that they know whom to go to if they have concerns.

The school response:

Headteacher Mr Gillan: “I am incredibly proud of this school community and the work that is done here. This report, I feel, reflected the work we are doing on a day-to-day basis, but could never capture the ethos, culture and atmosphere that is generated when staff and pupils work together so effectively as they do at Thurlbear. Our maths shone and our Inspector struggled to find a single element of work that needed improvement. This does not mean we sit still, as learning is a dynamic entity and we move with the times and with our pupils. Their unique needs, skills and attributes mean we must cater for them on a unique basis and our staff are always reflecting on the best way forwards.”

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