Pick up Monday Afternoon

I have been updated by Highways and our PCSO that the road will be closed this afternoon and the local road network is under significant strain in the surrounding lanes. To help you all get to school and home again as smooth as possible, I am suggesting the following steps for TODAY Monday 9th:

3pm: car park pickup Chestnut Class (Reception Class) with no siblings

3:10pm: car park pickup Rowan (Y1) with no siblings and Cherry Class (Y2) (as they would normally)

3:25pm: car park pickup Pine (Y5) with no siblings and Oak Class (Y6) (as they would normally)

Years 3 and 4 from the playground and any sibling groups. This group SHOULD then have space to park as usual and collect, being the families with siblings that have not fallen into the categories. These cars MAY need to turn around down near the church, so please approach with care. Cars can still access our school road and go off in the direction of Staple Fitzpaine.

I am hoping that traffic flow actions will be in place by tomorrow from Highways, meaning this is a one-off to alleviate issues and give the safest possible route home for families.

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