Term 2 Week 2 Review

Starting our Week 2 newsletter with positives about our boys’ and girls’ football squads, with both reaching their respective County Final stage, this week!
Our boys came 8th overall in the whole of the county (a brilliant effort bearing in mind the standard of opposition across such a large area, including a Man Utd triallist!), and our girls’ squad went to the wire and missed out in the semi final and so bagged a top-4 spot in the County! Huge thanks to Mr Gunstone for his coaching and enthusiasm.

In learning and teaching news, you have been living in a cave if you didn’t know the news that Chestnut Class have been closely following the dastardly plans of Evil Pea and his ragged gang of legumes!

Fantastic independent writing tasks in Chestnut. Look at the spelling knowledge attempted, here! Lots of phonic thinking!

It’s also very important to mention how your contributions fuel lots of our learning. Both PTA funds and our Dress Down Friday contributions have been utilised to purchase our Science-scheme resources, this year, and they were on show in Key Stage 2 classrooms, this week:

Year 5 have been growing their substantive knowledge banks about “Medicine through History”, this week. Their trials for the prestigious Thurlbear Apothecary job included creating potions using rosemary, thyme, dill, parsley and lemon juice and the donning of the vital (school-made) plague masks.

Year 4 are studying solids, liquids and gases, looking at their key features and starting out on creating ice balloons and mixing liquids to create chemical reactions to capture the gases emitted. Can you guess what solid/liquid they mixed together?

We have also purchased brand-new hockey sticks, dodgeballs (no spanners), footballs and basketballs to help us with our games sessions and after school sports clubs, which have been a real hit.

Mr Taylor has been doing a brilliant job around our school site, helping with the springboard into THRIVE OUTSIDE IN ’25! We now have access to one of our older sheds for redevelopment, and our local birds now have some new houses to use in the spring thanks to King’s College donating them and Mr Taylor putting them in situ. Our Thurlbear robin will be most happy and now, maybe, will stay out of the hall.

This week, we have also arranged for our energy company to come and fit us with smart meters, so we can look with pupils at our energy usage and what they can do to help create a more energy-clever Thurlbear School.

NEXT WEEK, Year 5 will be Space Detectives as they journey to the moon in a fascinating session in school, and year Leadership Academy will be away learning some key tips to bring back to us for use around school at break and lunch.

Our next Tea Time @ Thurlbear will be 6t February and all are welcome!

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