Our Values Team met with Mrs Foster-Burnell to discuss next term’s ideas
Values Team Minutes – 4th December
Present – HH, AH, AHP, GB, BA, TL, MB, OL, NM, ADP, Mrs FB
We worked on the two questions.
1. What clubs would you like to see?
2. What could improve breaktime/lunchtimes?
1. Clubs were discussed with each class bringing their top five. These were the clubs that came up on top.
• Film club
• Games Club
• Yoga
• Drama
• Dance
• Cooking
• Chess
• Book Club
• Mindfulness
• Sewing
• Volleyball
Action: Mrs FB to share list with Mr Gillan who will share with staff to see if we have any capacity.
2. A big thing that came out of discussions around break and lunch was to improve the quiet / reflection area. Mrs FB to chat with Mr G and the PTA for funding to renovate?
Other comments included:
Adult led games
Friendship / regulation zone
Drawing / colouring / reading station
Bug hotels
Adjustable basketball hoops and more basketball hoops
More seated areas
Lunchtime clubs
3. Cooking Club was a good idea, but school would need to invest in equipment to help cook bigger batches of items!