Welcome Back Updates: dates and information

Good morning and welcome back to a very exciting 2nd half term of this academic year! As we start the new half term, just a few notices including club updates and key dates for families up until the end of term. As with most of these dates, more information will come to you via teachers and their half term letters, or by us through updates closer to the date of the event itself:

  • 5th: Year 3 Cinema visit: The Wild Robot.
  • 5th: Guy Fawkes Workshop run by Museum Service.
  • 7th: Tea Time @ Thurlbear – all families welcome
    Year 2 Celebration Worship.
  • 11th: Commemoration Service.
  • 15th: Year 6 Cake Sale.
    Year 1 Celebration Worship.
  • 22nd PTA Christmas Disco.
  • 29th: Foundation Stage Christmas Workshop run by Museum service!
    Shoebox Appeal (details to follow).
    Music Celebration Worship.
  • 6th: Foundation Stage and Year 1 visit to St Mary Magdalene Church.
    Sports Celebration Worship.
  • 9th: Foundation Stage / key Stage 1 Nativity rehearsal to the school.
  • 10th: Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Nativity @ 2pm and 5:30pm.
  • 13th: PTA Christmas fair (details to follow).
  • 19th: Key Stage 2 Carols @ St Mary’s Church. 9:30am to 12:30pm
    Years 3 and 4 families then Years 5 and 6 families (as last year and details to follow).
  • 20th: Last day of Term.

As always, other dates and (some special) events may well added as the half term develops, but we will ensure you are notified with as much notice as possible.

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