
Thank you for your interest in Thurlbear Primary School. We thank you for taking the time to learn about Thurlbear School – a great place to live and learn.

Thurlbear Church of England VA Primary School is a Church of England Voluntary Aided school, fortunate enough to benefit from a beautiful rural setting surrounded by fields and countryside. Situated next to Thurlbear Woods the children are able to use the natural environment for Forest School activities and learning about the world around them.

As a church school we embrace the Christian ethos which teaches the importance of respect, forgiveness and the ability to relate to others with care and sensitivity. We believe that true education must encourage the mental, physical and spiritual development of each child. Thurlbear School maintains regular links with local parishes and communities ensuring the children are at the heart of everything we do.

The Governing Body is the Admissions Authority responsible for admission decisions in connection with the school.

Contact details

School website:

Admissions contact: Mrs K Carter (School Administrator) Tel: 01823 442277

School Office: Email:

To find out about the schools admissions arrangements through the Local Authority please click on the Somerset Local Authority website:

The Published Admission Number

A statutory Published Admission Number applies for the Reception year group, which indicates the minimum number of places that will be offered if sufficient applications are received. The governors’ Admissions Committee will consider all applications for Reception in accordance with these admission arrangements and places will be offered until the Published Admission Number is reached, at which point the governors will consider whether the resources available at the time will enable additional places to be made available. If not, the decision will be to refuse all applications that would lead to admission of a pupil above the PAN.

The Published Admission Number for Reception is set at 30.

A non-statutory admission limit has been set for all other year groups. This may be adjusted from time to time according to the level of resource available at the school and the preferred year group/class organisation.​

For any other information, follow the link to the education and families page at Somerset County Council:

Education and families

Complete our Contact Us Form to let us know that you
are interested in Thurlbear School
Make an appointment to arrange a tour of our school
Read our Admissions Documents to find out more about the admissions process