Rowan Class

Teachers: S Lucas and J Davenport
Teaching Assistant: H Hellyer, L Weech and N Bowerman

Welcome to Rowan Class – Year 1

Year 1 is your child’s first year in Key Stage 1 and first year following the National Curriculum. It is a year for learning through more structured activities and becoming more independent in completing their reading, writing, maths and other areas of the curriculum. We very much learn through fun, exciting learning experiences and are lucky to have our outdoor area which we use daily to add to our continuous learning provision.

Our overarching learning experiences cover the 6 terms but can also vary to include current topical events in society. Typical learning in year 1 include ‘Wonderful Weather’ looking at seasonal changes, ‘Fireworks’ looking at Guy Fawkes and colour; ‘This is me’ focusing on our local area; ‘Our amazing world’ and much more.

In Year 1 we have daily phonics sessions following our whole school phonic scheme ‘Unlocking Letters and Sounds’ which follows on from their learning in reception. In year 1 we start learning about phonic families which will help us with spelling strategies to support spelling.  There are also daily maths and literacy lessons.  Weekly group reading sessions teach reading and comprehension skills. We have 2 PE sessions a week to support their physical development. In the remaining sessions during the week we cover the other areas of the National Curriculum giving children a broad and balanced curriculum. We also like to celebrate achievements in our class and we regularly put good examples of work on the wall, this also reminds us of our learning journey.

How can you help?  Read every night  with your child – discuss the book, new vocabulary.  Practise recognising, reading and writing numbers to 100 and counting on and back from any number to 100, number bonds to 10 and in due course support them in counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Support them in completing Phonics and Maths homework. In addition, involve them in practical maths activities, money, weighing and measuring etc.

In line with school policy we operate an open-door policy and an open Class-Dojo policy. Please do contact me if you have any questions, concerns or successes to share with regard to your child’s learning.

Curriculum letter Easter

Spring term Curriculum

Curriculum letter Fireworks

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Year 1 Autumn 1 Curriculum overview