Oak Class

Teacher: S Warrington
Teaching Assistants: J Scadden, J Webb

Welcome to Oak Class – the final year at Thurlbear! Although this year is different to most, we want our children to have as many opportunities as possible to learn and to build memories. They will be the young leaders of the school: taking on roles and responsibilities, such as playground leaders, and they will support the younger members of Thurlbear and show them ‘the way they should go’. We encourage our pupils to develop a strong sense of responsibility for not only themselves, but their peers and the wider world.

In Year 6, our goal is to keep our learning and curriculum engaging and fun. We want all children to share an excitement and passion for learning, and we will endeavour to deliver rich learning experiences, keeping the curriculum as broad and balanced as possible. One of the many additional opportunities we offer in Year 6 is Bikeability; this training will enable them to cycle on the roads safely and is delivered by qualified instructors.

We are building a learning culture in Year 6, where good work is shared and celebrated, and our children are motivated to achieve. The children support each other through collaboration and peer assessment; they share their ideas and work closely, guiding each other and challenging their thinking. In Oak Class we want to instil confidence in our children and feel that developing resilience and perseverance will benefit them as they continue their next educational steps and the challenges of the wider world. Not only does this apply within the classroom, but also on our annual residential, where the children problem solve and use critical thinking to achieve goals, overcome fears and push themselves in individual and group activities.

During May, the children will take their end of KS2 SATs and they will be fully prepared for these. Parents can help their child at home with supporting homework and ensuring they read regularly. Further details about the SATs will be given to parents during a whole-group meeting, where we will share timetables, offer extra tuition for those who need it and explain how they can support their child throughout this year academically and emotionally.

Over their time at Thurlbear, the children will have learnt to work more independently and organise themselves successfully. These skills will support them in the future as they prepare to move on to secondary school. Later in the year, the children will have the chance to visit their next school and will be supported and prepared by us to take on their exciting journey.

At Thurlbear, we have always encouraged an open-door policy. Please do message us with any questions or concerns you have or share any achievements or successes in their Class Dojo portfolio.

Autumn 1 Curriculum Letter

Autumn 2 Curriculum Letter

Spring 1 Curriculum Letter

Spring 2 Curriculum Letter