Clubs and Sports

These are our very latest clubs that we are offering our pupils at the moment.

All clubs run from 3:30 – 4:30pm and are a range of activities chosen by our sports coach, Mr Gunstone. They are fun sessions of different sporting skills, with ball skills, hand-eye coordination and even street surfing!


In a normal school year, Thurlbear has a range of after school activities from which our pupils can choose. If your child is a fan of football, netball, street surfing, art, board games, athletics or cricket, then we have a club to cater for them.

Obviously, 2020 proved to be impossible for schools to safely deliver what they normally offer. As a school, we had to diversify in how we approached all of our sports around school. Mr Gunstone, our PE and Sports coach,  created a number of fun PE challenges for our pupils to try in the comfort of their own homes! Lots of pupils have enjoyed the challenge and variety of these activities, so take a look at what he made: