Hazel Class

Teacher: E Crook
Teaching Assistants: S. Jones

Welcome to Hazel Class – Year 3.   Your child’s journey through Key Stage 2 (KS2) begins in Year 3. Here we set the foundations for a greater emphasis on self-motivation and independence. The children will begin to develop a greater self-awareness, a level of ownership of their learning, will have the opportunity to challenge themselves and learn from their ‘marvellous mistakes’.

We aim to provide a smooth transition between KS1 and KS2 by building on their vital skills and knowledge learnt in KS1 and introducing them to new structures for their learning.

The children will apply their phonics knowledge to spelling patterns and develop individual spelling strategies. In reading and writing, the children will use a range of texts to make inferences and predictions and begin to understand how language features, images and vocabulary choices can impact their writing.

In maths, the children will develop their ability to solve problems using place value and the four main operations (+,-,x,÷) whilst beginning to understand written methods. We take pride in the broad and balanced curriculum that we provide for the children, allowing them to make links across their subjects and to real life situations. This year, our learning experiences will offer a range of exciting topics such as: The Stone Age and Ancient Egypt.

How can you help?

Practising learned skills at home can help to boost your child’s confidence. It is vital that your child reads aloud 3 times a week and practises their weekly spellings.   In line with school policy we operate an open-door policy (or an open Class-Dojo policy).  Please do contact me if you have any questions, concerns or successes to share regarding your child’s learning.

Hazel Class-September 2023