It is our intention that reading is at heart of the Thurlbear curriculum, and we strongly believe that becoming a confident reader, is vital to a child’s understanding and appreciation of the world. Believing literacy has the power to enrich lives, we will endeavour to ensure every child develops the confidence and competence to embrace literature in its many forms. We have high aspirations for all our children and it is essential that, by the end of their time at Thurlbear, all pupils are able to read fluently with good understanding in any subject to support their journey into secondary education and beyond.
At Thurlbear, we believe that English, communication and languages are fundamental to our ability to think, to see beyond what we know, imagine and create. The children’s developing use of language underpins their achievement across the curriculum and lays the foundations for active involvement in cultural life, society, work and lifelong learning. We believe that reading is a platform for sharing in cultural experiences and through studying literature, children at Thurlbear will explore the power and beauty of language, developing an extensive vocabulary to effectively express themselves.
It is our intent that all children will leave Thurlbear as competent, lifelong readers. Our carefully planned and sequenced reading curriculum, strives to foster a lifelong love of reading, whilst also equipping children with the knowledge and skills to ready fluently and accurately with good understanding.
At Thurlbear we:
· Believe that being a capable and enthusiastic reader is a key life skill for every child.
· Believe that with the right support all children can learn to read and will enjoy reading.
· Place reading, and books, at the heart of our Thurlbear curriculum.
· Build time within our school day for all children to be read to and to read independently for pleasure.
· Invest in our staff training, so that they are able to deliver outstanding provision.
· Invest in quality literature and resources so that Thurlbear children can be inspired and enthused by their reading.
· Recognise the importance of involving parents to encourage our school reading culture.
· Have developed a clear and progressive whole school strategy for teaching the skills of reading and promoting reading for pleasure.
Our Reading curriculum will give children the opportunity to develop:
· A love of reading and an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage.
· Excellent phonic knowledge and skills.
· The ability to read confidently with fluency, accuracy and understanding in a range of contexts across the Thurlbear curriculum.
· An extensive and rich vocabulary, for reading, writing and spoken language.
· Excellent comprehension of a range of texts.
· The motivation and desire to read widely and often, for both pleasure and information.
· An extensive knowledge, through reading a varied range of texts. |
It is our intention to provide a high quality, engaging Reading curriculum that inspires our pupils and in which knowledge, understanding and skills are progressively built. Our English curriculum has been shaped by the principles outlined in the English National Curriculum and high quality texts, from a range of authors and poets, have been carefully chosen to deliver content. Links are made to other curriculum area and this helps to enhance communication, language and literacy across the curriculum by fostering a deeper understanding of vocabulary and allowing our children to transfer knowledge and language across curriculum areas.
At Thurlbear Primary School, our bespoke Reading curriculum focuses and consists of four key dimensions:
• Word reading
• Comprehension (Both listening and reading)
• Reading for Pleasure
• Oracy and vocabulary acquisition
It is our intention that all Thurlbear pupils will read easily, fluently and with good understanding: To foster a lifelong love of reading, our children are supported to acquire the skills to be able to access text automatically and fluently. In the crucial early stages of reading in Foundation Stage, year one and the beginning of year two, our curriculum is delivered through a rigorous, synthetic phonics programme ‘Unlocking Letters and Sounds.’ (See overview documents). Decoding and word recognition skills are taught from the moment a child starts their reading journey at Thurlbear in Foundation stage. When children are able to decode effectively, we focus on fluency and prosody, supporting children to read with appropriate pace, intonation and few errors. Fluency is a gateway to comprehension and frees cognitive resources to process the meaning of what is read. We aim for all of our pupils to become fluent, confident readers and encourage children to re-read texts multiples times, both at home and school, to support their confidence in word reading and fluency. Alongside daily phonics lessons, we explicitly teach children to become fluent readers and practice their reading skills through daily reading practice and group reading sessions using fully decodable reading books matched to the sounds they are learning. Carefully planned reading sessions teach and practice decoding, fluency and prosody, with every child having at least one guided reading session a week.
At Thurlbear we understand that reading is a really complex skill to teach children as it’s comprised of many different skills. (See Scarborough Reading Rope.) In order for children to become confident, fluent and enthusiastic readers, it is essential that we teach and give them opportunities to develop all of these skills.
For our early readers, this will mean that we use different books in different ways to support their reading journey as outlined below:
We have invested in high quality, fully decodable reading books to support our children to practice independent reading, at home and school. Teachers ensure the books children read are matched to their secure phonic knowledge. This enables them to use the GPCs they know to decode the words and, with practice, develop fluency when reading. Once Thurlbear children progress beyond the phonics programme and decodable texts, they move onto our age appropriate texts that have been carefully chosen, so that they can continue to progress in their decoding, fluency and comprehension skills to become avid, expert readers. Teachers regularly monitor a child’s reading fluency progress through reading sessions. Every child, who is not working at the expected standard will receive timely intervention and their progress will be closely monitored by class teachers, reading leads, SLT and the SENDCo.
To ensure no child is left behind at any point in the progression of reading, children are regularly assessed using an agreed school format aligned to our phonics programme and are supported to keep up through timey, bespoke 1-1 interventions targeted to meet their specific need at that time. These include GPC recognition and blending and segmenting interventions. The lowest attaining 20% of pupils are closely monitored to ensure these interventions have impact. In Ks2, where a child is still using phonics as a prime approach to reading their progress will be closely monitored and a child will receive specific phonics/word recognition provision to develop fluency.
It is our intent that pupils develop a love of reading. Through our ambitious curriculum, we aim to create a culture where books are cherished. We endeavour to create an environment where reading for pleasure is prioritised to inspire children who have the independence, stamina and desire to read widely and be excited about literature. To encourage this, we use a wide variety of quality texts and resources to motivate and inspire our children across the curriculum. Teacher’s read to children regularly, as we know that reading widely and sharing books feeds pupils’ imagination, vocabulary and knowledge of the world. Teachers encourage a love of reading, and a reading ethos through their classroom through daily story times, well organised book corners and displays. We have designed a reading for pleasure spine, so that each year group has a selection of core texts that a child will encounter during their time at Thurlbear. These high quality texts have been carefully selected to ensure a breadth of experiences, authors, and themes across the primary years. As well as providing joyful literary experiences, these texts include diverse representation, relevant social issues, big ethical questions and moral dilemmas.
We celebrate and promote reading every day, as well as providing enrichment days, trips and events linked to reading throughout the school year that aim to inspire and enthuse our children. Some of these include: weekly reading buddies across the school, World Book Day, National Poetry Day, visiting storytellers and theatre companies telling well known stories, and visits from authors, poets and illustrators. We have invested in a well-stocked library and a range of age appropriate books to create appealing book corners in every classroom. All children, visit our book corners or school library for pleasure and to support class learning. Each classroom also has a selection of books which link with the class topics and we subscribe to Resources for Learning to enhance this. This offers opportunities for the children to apply their reading skills across the curriculum and supports the acquisition of vocabulary. At Thurlbear, we nurture the attitudes and behaviours our children will need to become passionate, confident readers, who read frequently and widely for pleasure and information. We empower our children to exercise freedoms of choice and independence when selecting books for themselves.
Our reading curriculum ensures that all pupils are able to comprehend texts: In order to be fluent readers, who can truly access and enjoy texts, children must be explicitly taught to comprehend their reading. Through class texts, and daily story time texts, teachers will develop comprehension skills through book talk and expert questioning. Children listen to stories, non-fiction or poems daily from Foundation Stage to year six. In the early stages of their reading journey children read one to one with adults and take part in carefully planned group reading sessions which focus on both word reading and comprehension. Carefully planned questions support the development of children’s vocabulary and understanding of texts. From year two, children are taught the skills of reading through whole class reading sessions. Within these sessions, children are taught the skills and strategies needed to become competent readers through the use of VIPERS which were created by Rob Smith (The Literacy Shed). VIPERS is an acronym for several key reading skills which are outlined in the National Curriculum and the KS1 and KS2 content domains.
Key Stage One

Key Stage Two

Our curriculum map has been designed to build on children’s previous reading skills and knowledge and vocabulary is integral and progressive within our curriculum. We teach comprehension skills through a progression of skills, so that children can access texts for both pleasure and information. Children will also have opportunities, in English lessons, to develop written responses to texts and characters and take part in vocabulary enrichment activities as they progress through the school. Alongside this, teachers plan structured reading sessions where the children will be taught explicit comprehension skills at an increasingly challenging level.
The comprehension in these sessions may be based around a whole book or using short extracts. As children progress through the school, they will be taught to record responses to comprehension questions more formally.
Comprehension is assessed through:
Oral questioning and responses, either in whole class reading sessions, guided groups or one to one reading. It is also assessed through more formal written responses to questions in comprehension sessions or written responses during English lessons.
NFER testing will be used to support teacher judgement when assessing attainment and progress over the year.
Oracy and Vocabulary Acquisition
The teaching of vocabulary and the acquisition of language is a school priority as we recognise that pupil’s acquisition and command of vocabulary are key to their learning and progress, across the curriculum. Vocabulary forms a key part of all planning, teaching and learning. High quality texts are read aloud to children daily across the school and are chosen to expose children to a rich and varied vocabulary. Teaches plan explicit time in lessons to explore words and develop vocabulary as well as being a focus in all curriculum areas. At the start of a topic, key and new vocabulary, is shared with the children and are also included in knowledge organisers shared in school and at home. The recall, understanding and application of prior vocabulary acquisition, as well as new vocabulary learnt, is frequently revisited to embed this language. The learning environment is used to ensure vocabulary is celebrated and accessible, with visual cues to support children with any language, communication or interaction difficulties.
We recognise the importance of ensuring the continual development of pupils’ confidence and competence in spoken language and listening skills Our philosophy and intent for our children’s oracy and communication align with the view from Voice 21: “In school, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. It is also a route to social mobility, empowering all students, not just some, to find their voice to succeed in school and life.’
Communication and language development is at the heart of our EYFS curriculum and we prioritise high quality interactions help to develop children’s communication and language. Listening skills are explicitly taught and modelled. We use the Oracy framework to support our delivery of oracy education and strategies such as learning partners, modelling, drama, discussion and debate are used across the school to promote the use of spoken language.
For children to become life-long readers, they need to be secure in all of the elements above. Teachers at Thurlbear have a clear understanding of the National Curriculum and a clear understanding of what children of different ages should achieve. |