Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity


Intent: “Know the Way”

Thurlbear CE VA Primary School believes that physical education, sport and physical activity – experienced in a safe and supportive environment – is vital to a pupil’s physical, emotional and social development. Physical Education, sport and physical activity is delivered with support and direction from the RealPE scheme of work in addition to Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership (SASP) and qualified coaching, promoting a positive and inclusive culture. All approaches are in line with National Curriculum 2014 expectations and are based on the natural progression of all pupils. Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity at our school extends to extra-curricular activities in competition in addition to ensuring all children have the chance to be active at playtime. The experience we give children at our school will prepare every child for life long participation and learning in Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity.

Aims – pupils should be able to

·         To provide a range of opportunities for children to be active where pupils can build confidence and competence.

·         To promote being active as a part of being healthy both in school and in later life.

·         To introduce and develop understanding of competition, sportsmanship and fair play.

·         To develop an ability to measure progress through observation of oneself and others.

·         To provide an opportunity for children to learn how to swim, using a range of strokes, over a distance of at least 25 metres by the end of KS2.

Our approach to learning at Thurlbear places the learner at the heart of practice with the ultimate goal of transforming how we teach PE, applying all of the high quality learning and teaching skills that have become the norm in other subjects.

Implementation: “Show the Way”

Our current offer for PE, Sport and PA is 2 hours a week during curriculum time. One hour is delivered by a class teacher using the ‘Jasmine’ online platform to access planning and resources for RealPE, RealGym, or teachers can access planning resources from SASP. The other hour is delivered by a specialist PE TA, who is an experienced coach in a range sports.

In addition to our 2 hour curriculum offer, we make contact with local clubs and specialist companies that can offer diverse experiences that we may not be able to provide in school such as: archery, fencing, judo, street surfing and outdoor adventurous activities.  

RealPE focuses on making progress in Fundamental Movement Skills using the following areas: creative, cognitive, health and fitness, personal, social and applying fitness.

Pupils are taught to:

·         Develop and apply fundamental movement skills (static balance, dynamic balance, coordination and agility).

·         Communicate, collaborate and compete with one another.

·         Be able to understand how to improve by evaluating their actions.

·         Have opportunities to attend festivals with other schools where they can explore new and different physical activities.

·         Have the chance to take part in a sporting/modified sporting club as part of the school’s extra-curricular provision.

·         Be given opportunities to take part in level one and two competitions by the end of KS2 in a range of different modified sports.

·         Have an understanding and appreciation of how to set and up, safely use and put away equipment appropriate to their leaning.

·         Make links with local clubs in specific areas that cannot be delivered on school grounds.


Assessment plays a key role in the delivery of any curriculum subject. At our school, both pupils and teachers have a responsibility to understand where they are in their learning and know where they are going. Assessment is carried out a range of ways at our school:

Formative (ongoing) assessment is carried out by the class teacher, with support from the ‘Jasmine’ online platform. Teachers can use the colour levels from the fundamental movement skills to talk about the current level groups of pupils are working at.

Summative assessment is carried out by our PE TA when the children take part in specific tasks such as athletics or cross country. Scores are recorded and children are informed what level they have achieved. Swimming data is also collected to form part of our annual Swimming report.

Ipsative assessment is carried out during ‘personal challenge’ sessions delivered by the PE TA. Each child’s scores and progress are recorded using Absolute Education.

Anecdotal evidence is provided by parents and children. Questionnaires are provided to the children to help understand the impact of our delivery and provide teachers and our PE TA information about what we do well and where we can changes.

Impact: “Grow the Way”

As a physically active and sporting child leaving Thurlbear, every child will:

· Have confidence to know what sporting or active discipline they enjoy and thrive in and know where they can go to continue to develop their skills.

· Have a foundation in the Physical Education, activity and Sport to benefit them when they go on to learn Physical Education and Sport at secondary school and beyond.

Coming Soon…