COVID Update

COVID update:

We have a growing number of cases, again, in school and this includes some staff, this week who are now off and quite unwell.

The UK Health Security Agency now only want to know:

·         a higher than previously experienced and/or rapidly increasing number of staff or student absences due to acute respiratory infection;

·         evidence of severe disease due to respiratory infection, for example if a pupil, student, child or staff member is admitted to hospital.

This leaves us, as a school, with many grey areas now that the government have withdrawn their own COVID guidance in February. Families have been brilliant at communicating with us regarding children who are ill and what should be done. I am aware that LFTs are now costing between £2 and £5 for individual tests, which I feel is prohibitive to an ideal solution.

Therefore, I am suggesting, for the last 3 weeks of school:

  • If your child exhibits any of the classic COVID symptoms (this might include a very sore throat judging on our staff illness and confirmed as COVID), then we will ASK you to keep them at home for 3 days and expect them back at school on the 4th day, should they be well enough! We will NOT be asking for any testing due to cost implications to families.  
  • Teachers will provide online learning SHOULD your child be well enough to do it. This will be a mix of teachers’ choices, but they will communicate this.
  • Please keep in touch with us about your child and how they are feeling. Obviously, coughs, colds and other illnesses are prevalent, but we can work together on this.
  • Attendance is still a priority for us all and the very best place for your child is in school. This solution is simply for those children exhibiting symptoms.
  • If we do this until the end of term, then the summer break may provide a timescale that sees the school/national picture improve.

Currently, there is no need to pause on our events that are outside, so we are not over-reacting. We continue to provide the very best of education to your children, albeit with a depleted team of committed professionals, right now! Thanks for your co-operation, as always, and I hope you feel this communication is effective. Any questions, please ring the Office Team

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