A great opportunity for our families to get involved!
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It was a taste of Christmas in school, today, as the South West Heritage Service came in and led a session in Chestnut Class – all about Victorian Christmas! They had a brilliant time and I was delighted to be hosting a parental tour as 
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As we head into the last week of November, there are just a few notices to share with families in addition to what has already been passed on this week: Please ensure all after-school sports clubs have been paid for, and you can contact Mrs 
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Our Values Team have spoken with George, and everyone felt that supporting ARC with their Shoebox Appeal was a great idea.Even if we only have a handful of boxes, then we will have supported local families at a crucial time of the year.If you have 
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In light of the latest weather updates for our locality, I wanted to share our processes for any closure of school due to unsafe conditions, including snow and ice on the roads.
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PTA News: The PTA will sell Christmas Grotto tickets in the playground THIS Thursday and Friday between 8:40am and 9am and in the afternoon on Friday from 3:10pm until 3:35pm. They have slots available to visit our wonderful Thurlbear Christmas Grotto at our Christmas Fair 
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Our Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils have been been producing some interesting learning, this week. History has featured heavily in the historic vocabulary of Rowan Class, and their presentation in the form of a double-page spread reflects an approach across the year groups 
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SAFEGUARDING 1: In a recent blog, I discussed the reasons for trialling the closing of our side gate. Today, this has started very well and I thank all families for their cooperation. I am engaging with Highways to see if the small verge adjacent to 
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Safeguarding Update: For the rest of this half term, I will be trialling NOT opening one of our gates on the playground at home-time. Why am I doing this? The inconvenience will be families needing to walk up to our large, main gate that is 
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Our Thurlbear family has produced a bumper harvest for the foodbank. Thanks to all who contributed!
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