End-of-Review 26.4.24

Once again this week, I have been struck with the enthusiasm, focus and respect of our pupils as they go about their daily lives at Thurlbear. Most weeks, we receive calls from families looking for spaces at our school and we always take the time to listen and respond with kindness and compassion. I toured the classes with some families looking for 2025/26 spaces, this week! It is a great way to dip into the learning along the way, and I was delighted with the atmosphere and ethos reflected in every room. On Monday, I get to share our journey with a School Improvement Adviser from Somerset Local Authority, who will listen and advise on what we can do to improve on our practice. I have been at this school over 11 years, now, and my 8th year as Head! In that time, we have always reinvented ourselves and kept the mission of “Train Up a Child in the Way They Should Go” foremost in our work. The triangulation of school, family and pupils’ views of Thurlbear is crucial and, so, please feel free to email me Steve.Gillan@Thurlbearprimaryschool.co.uk if you have anything you want me to pass onto the SIP on Monday.

Mr Taylor has joined our site team and, as many of you will have seen, has already made a great visual impact. The 150 yr-old school always needs regular checking and maintenance, and our grounds are now seeing the benefit of his works. The prohibitive cost of companies has, in the past, meant we simply could not afford simple improvements. Now, however, I have an opportunity to sit down with a skilled professional with specific time and capacity for such things as painting our swimming pool building.

I have now displayed a small sample of our History Timelines in our display cases, so families can see them and track some of the key events our pupils learn in their Thurlbear journey. It is personalised to our children to what we feel matters to them, for example, when our school was opened! There is also a chance to see what else was going on in the world at the same time. As you can see from the pictures, the building now hosts these spaces far more aesthetically due to Mr Taylor’s excellent works.

Part of our Thurlbear History Timeline

Here are some of our key dates for families to bear in mind as we move into this term:
Monday 29th Somerset LA School visit.
Tuesday 30th Open the Book (every Tuesday).
Thursday 2nd May “Team time @ Thurlbear” from 9am in the hall.
Thursday 2nd May Year 1 multi skills festival at Blackbrook.
Friday 3rd May Dress Down Friday.
6th May Bank Holiday (school is closed).
Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th May Year 4 residential.
Thursday 9th May Whole Class photos and Year 6 Leavers: hoodies and jumpers for Year 6. No sibling photos are available.
Monday 13th to Thursday 16th May SATs Week for Year 6.
Monday 13th May Years 5 and 6 cricket comp Bishop Fox’s.
Friday 17th May Year 5 striking/fielding Festival Bishop Fox’s.
Friday 17th May EXTRA Dress Down Friday supporting the PTA May Fair (chocolate and bottle contribution).
Friday 17th May PTA MAY FAIR 3:30 – 6pm lots of details to follow!
Thursday 23rd May Year 6 Leadership Academy (invited pupils).
Thursday 23rd May Prayer Spaces led by our Church Team.
Thursday 23rd May Year 2 multi skills festival at Blackbrook.

This takes us to half term, but some key dates AFTER half term include:
3rd June (2-week window) Year 4 National Multiplication Tests are undertaken.
Saturday 15th June Staple Fitzpaine Fete featuring Thurlbear school choir.
Monday 17th June Years 5 and 6 Cross Country at King’s.
Friday 21st June Sports Day.
Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th (return) Year 6 residential.
Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July Transition Days.
Tuesday 2nd July Moving Up Morning.
Friday 12th July School Reports out.
Wednesday 24th July Leavers’ Service 9:15am and LAST DAY

A huge well done to Oscar for his recent running success, representing Taunton Schools in a regional competition! Attending our Healthy Metres Matters, the cross country events at King’s and proactive family runs have all contributed to his enthusiasm and commitment. Please do consider going along to those events, as they are a super entry-point into running.

Your PTA continues to do so much good for the Thurlbear family and I have included 2 small examples of the BIG impact that the PTA fund-raising has on our pupils:
In Year 4, Willow Class have been using data-logging for sound, only possible by utilising the equipment bought with PTA funds:

In the Chestnut Class outdoor area, our pupils now have learning experiences transformed by PTA funding. The new equipment is used and love daily and is a source of real joy:

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. I hope to see as many of you as possible at next week’s Tea Time @ Thurlbear!

May your God Go With You……..

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