End of Term

By anyone’s standards, this has not been an easy term. So much pupil illness, lots of staff illness, snow days, industrial action and a myriad of on-the-day events have made the Spring Term very challenging. But, with a fistful of grit, a speck of luck and a whole wheelbarrow-load of Thankfulness, Hope, Friendship, Wisdom and Trust, we have seen ourselves through to Easter.

I have never known, in my 24+ years career, schools be under such a spotlight as they are in this academic year. The political landscape has made it almost unbearable for Somerset school leaders and educators at times, whether that is the recent, horrendous Ofsted controversy or critical cuts to schools’ budgets and the pressures that this has brought. It takes a toll when we try to be the swan for all families, but we are having to work away so hard under the surface, simply just to keep the school in a neutral budgetary position. I would like to thank our governors – Mr Hurn, Mr Tomkins, Mrs Salter, Mrs Hetherington-Prissell, Mrs Linthorne, Mrs Carter, Miss Kelloway, Rev Joanna, Mr Duncan and Mr Hampson for their ongoing support and challenge to me. Every decision they make has been on behalf of you and our pupils’ ongoing happiness at Thurlbear. Some days, if I was to believe social media, or listen to some on-the-spot comments, I would feel that being a Head is a thankless, pretty lonely task. But, then I look at these two, and I know there is no more important job and I know they see the value in school staff.
Have a wonderful, blessed Easter and I hope for warmer, brighter days in our Summer term.


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