Moving Up Day and September Teachers

Our Moving Up Day is tomorrow, and it always brings a sense of excitement and anticipation for our pupils (and probably the grown-ups). Everyone feels a little older and the Year 5 class get a glimpse of being the oldest in the school and sit on a bench!

For September, we can confirm the following class set-up:

Chestnut (Foundation Stage Class): Miss Kelloway

Rowan Class (Year 1): Mrs Lucas and Mrs Yellowley

Cherry Class (Year 2): Mrs Baldwin and Mrs Yellowley

Hazel Class (Year 3): Miss Crook

Willow Class (Year 4): Mrs Foster-Burnell and Mrs Yellowley

Pine Class (Year 5): Mrs Collings and Mrs Chedzoy

Oak Class (Year 6): Miss Warrington

We look forward to our children meeting their teachers, tomorrow, and letting you know all about it at pick-up!

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