Musical Summer School

Keep your summer upbeat and join our August Summer School. Open to anyone aged 10-18, our 5 day summer school will give your young person a fun packed week of top quality CYMT music and drama. It’s guaranteed to be inspiring, memorable and a great soundtrack to the long summer break. It starts Monday 2 until Friday 6 August. Cost is £295 per student. Book today to ensure a place – sign up online at this link or contact the CYMT office on 07754 217993 or And please spread the word – its open to all young people, not just those of you brilliant musicians who already come to CYMT. The more the merrier! PLEASE NOTE: Closing date for 2021/22 bursary applications is only a week away. The deadline for applying for bursaries for the next academic year is 5th July – that’s next Monday. Please get in touch with me to discuss anything or request forms to apply. We’ll talk you through how to apply, making it as pain free as possible and of course everything is completely confidential. Have a lovely week. Best wishes,

Rachael Parvin
Head of Centre for Young Musicians Taunton
Tel: 07754 217993

Application – Centre For Young Musicians Taunton (

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