I’m delighted to report that our online payment system is now up and running!
Pay360 is now no more and you will need to sign up to the School Gateway. Here is our post that we did back on the 12th July:
“Pay 360 have made the decision to withdraw its product as from the 31/07/2023 and subsequently we are in the process of moving to a new on-line booking and payment system called School Gateway. The easiest way to access the new system will be through the School Gateway app. The app can be downloaded via your app store and is available on Android and iOS.
Download the app in preparation and we would encourage you to do this. Once you have downloaded the app you are then able to start the registration process. You will need to enter the email address and mobile contact number that is already registered on our system, once this is done you will then be sent a PIN number via a text message which you enter and you should then see the welcome Thurlbear home screen.
“School Gateway” can be found on both the App Store and Google Play and look like: