RSE: Health Week

Dear Parent,

Health Week: Relationships and Sex Education  

I am writing to inform you about the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) that each class will receive in the week commencing 12th June 2023. This is recommended by the Department of Education and is part of their Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE).

The school’s Jigsaw PSHE scheme provides a unit of lessons named ‘Changing me’ which will be taught in each class over this week. All lessons are specifically designed for the age and maturity of each class and will support our values as a Church School. They aim to give the children a safe environment to explore different perspectives on Relationships and Sex Education.

Across the school, our focus is to help the children to cope positively with future changes in their lives. We aim to alleviate fear and equip the children with the age appropriate knowledge and understanding of change and transitions, why they are happening, what to expect and the practicalities of coping with them, whilst building the skills of resilience, assertiveness and confidence.  

We understand that, without clarity of the RSE curriculum coverage in each year group, there could be some concern for parents. We also recognise that parents have an important role in teaching their children about Sex and Relationships, though many find it hard to talk openly about this area. An overview of the curriculum has been attached to this letter and a more in-depth explanation of our learning intentions will be published on our Class Dojo.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of those aspects of RSE which are NOT part of the statutory National Curriculum Science Orders. If requested, alternative arrangements will be made for individual pupils, but it is hoped that this will not be necessary. If so, parents should consult with Mr Gillan to discuss appropriate arrangements.  If you would like to discuss any aspect of the unit for your child’s year group or would like further detail on what will be taught, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Crook RSE Coordinator.

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