End of Week 9 Review.

SAFEGUARDING 1: In a recent blog, I discussed the reasons for trialling the closing of our side gate. Today, this has started very well and I thank all families for their cooperation. I am engaging with Highways to see if the small verge adjacent to 

School Gates Update

Safeguarding Update: For the rest of this half term, I will be trialling NOT opening one of our gates on the playground at home-time. Why am I doing this? The inconvenience will be families needing to walk up to our large, main gate that is 

A Harvest thank-you from the foodbank

Our Thurlbear family has produced a bumper harvest for the foodbank. Thanks to all who contributed!

Poppy sales

From tomorrow after school, Mrs Warrington and some of our Values Team will be selling poppies in the playground.It is poppies only (no slap bands etc) and you can contribute what you feel is relevant.

Welcome Back Updates: dates and information

Good morning and welcome back to a very exciting 2nd half term of this academic year! As we start the new half term, just a few notices including club updates and key dates for families up until the end of term. As with most of 

Asda Cashpot for Schools

Just a quick reminder that our school is set up with Asda cashpot for Schools! Any half-term purchases will earn cash directly for our school…..

Tempest photography

A message from the Tempest photography team! “Dear Parents,Have you ordered your school photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Tuesday 29th October 2024. Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit www.tempest-orders.co.ukIf 

End of Week 7 Review

It’s been a very busy and productive week in school, from family consultations to Harvest services and farm visits. This was a fantastic idea from Year 2’s visit to Magdalene farm, today, and Elliot has made a brilliant effort at this nature frame. Others created 

Thank you for the Donations

Thanks to everyone’s brilliant generosity, we have managed to fill an incredible 12 crates for the Foodbank! These will be delivered on Monday and our Values Team will give them a big send-off.

Donations, tomorrow

Just a reminder that Dress Down Friday, tomorrow, is for every class and supports the Taunton Foodbank. Every class is invited to bring in donations tomorrow and we would love to fill our trays with your generous offerings. We have had to split our Harvest