A great gift from the Phillips family…

We are delighted to show off our latest structure in the school. Our playground now has a brand new shelter, where pupils can stand whilst waiting for pick-ups in the afternoon. This will massively help teachers keep our children dry and safe at this crucial time, especially our youngest ones who have a difficult walk over the playground in the worst of the weather!

You can see the whole of Year 3, here, giving the context of the length of our new shelter. Already, our pupils are playing between the posts, standing around to chat under its protection and it’s like it has always been here! I would like to send my HUGE thanks to the the Phillips’ and the company for contacting me, supplying the materials and building it AT NO COST TO THE SCHOOL over this weekend! I cannot over-emphasise the value of gestures like this, both practically and financially, to me and your children at Thurlbear. The money this has saved us can now be directed into other projects to directly impact on our learning and teaching across the school.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing this shelter used all-year round, as it will provide us with great shade in the summer months, too.

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