As Friday rolls into action, Years 3 and 4 have just performed a dress rehearsal to the whole school of ‘Roll Back the Stone’! They came out positively bouncing and I am very excited to see them in action, next week. It is a vital part of any primary school memory-box for pupils when they look back at their formative years. Having the confidence to stand up in front of hundreds of faces, and deliver your lines and songs, take a lot of courage and encouragement. It also, however, grows the whole-child and gives opportunities to those that love performing and putting themselves ‘out there’.
Consultation Evenings were successful and we had 2 very busy afternoons/evenings for families to discuss next-steps and successes with teachers. Next week, our busy learning schedule continues as we hold Pupil Progress Meetings, where teachers discuss upcoming Term 3 and what incremental gains can be made in classes for the benefit of pupils. Your teachers are constantly looking for ways to ensure the day-to-day learning and teaching develops the knowledge, skills and understanding of our pupils.
Thank you to the PTA for running the Easter Raffle, allowing me to sit back and watch the action and not get involved in the tickets (I won, too!) and for our Values Team for doing such a great job.
As we move into the Summer term and better weather (surely?!), our after school sessions move onto the field and we look at what we can offer. Next week, we will put our offer and we are communicating directly with our pupils – via the Values Team – as to what activities they want to see on the menu. We already have requests for more Computer Club, dodgeball and gymnastics (coming to a Friday in the hall!). Gymnastics can NOW BE BOOKED! After School Gymnastics Club – Premier Education ( Years 1 to 4 and you pay the company directly.
The last week is full of moments across the school and Holy Week will be upon us:
Monday: Years 3 and 4 perform “Roll back the Stone” at 2pm and 6pm
Tuesday: Foundation Stage and Year 6 heights and Weights
Tuesday: It’s Oliver Twist in the hall – a full theatrical performance from M and M Productions! Thanks to all those families now sending in the £4 contribution.
Wednesday: Year 4 have their residential discussion with Mrs Foster-Burnell
Thursday: Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Easter Bonnets and Service from 9:10am!
Thursday: Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) Easter Service in the hall 2:30pm. As this is 4 classes, we kindly ask that you attend as if you were picking up (don’t bring the whole family!), otherwise numbers could escalate! It is a service and not a performance, with songs and readings from classes. You are very welcome to join us and we start at 2:30.
Good Friday…….