Thanks to all families for your continuing efforts at home with the learning, living and staying safe. It is a real pleasure dropping into daily lessons and observing the teaching, the interaction and involvement of both pupils and – sometimes – parents/carers! There is so much great stuff going on across the school, so many brilliant photos, videos and files being uploaded showing Thurlbear children being creative, hard-working and enthusiastic.
Ready to Learn! We know it can be very hard to keep that focus at home day after day and we are so impressed with what is being done at home by families. When our pupils are in their online sessions, it works best when they are sat at a working space, upright on their chair and hands at the ready, not filled with a piece of toast or packet of crisps! Our message to our pupils: Treat your online classroom like your real one!
We still have some laptops coming in from our incredibly generous community. I have arranged for our tech support company to visit ASAP (safely) to check them over and we can then get them out to families. If you are really struggling with hardware, please keep getting in touch. The wifi in school has held up very well, in general, live sessions have gone smoothly and most of you have managed to access resources. We continue to monitor our support to those working at home, but I’d like to thank the staff for their speed in tackling any issues that arise.