A few updates and reminders

Glancing through various excellent class stories on Class Dojo , I can see teachers have shared the details for Thursday and our Harvest celebrations. This was shared on the Pine Class story:

Harvest Festival Service – key stage 2

All of the children in key stage two will be talking part in a harvest service next Thursday. It will take place on the playground at 2.30 pm and it would be lovely if you can come along. The children have been practising some super harvest songs and each class will have a harvest contribution to share too.

Key Stage 1

Parents are invited to attend this service which will start at 9.15 in the school hall and will last for about 30 minutes to 45 minutes. You can drop your child and then come round to the hall door that opens on to the car park.

If you wish, your child can bring in a non-perishable harvest gift for Open Door Food Bank, this week, our charity that we annually support. Now, more than ever, this seems relevant. As with last year, Mrs Foster-Burnell has very kindly offered to drop off the collection for us after school.

DEADLINE for our Christmas card returns is THIS Wednesday (tomorrow), please and the same day (Wednesday) deadline for any lunch menus for after half term. We will not be able to process any after this date!

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