End-of-Week Review 1.3.24

February has flown by and meteorological Spring has now sprung, although the bitter winds were blowing at Thurlbear, today!

Over the past 2 weeks and across the classes, we have seen a variety of quality learning experiences, including today (Friday) in Year 2, where Cherry Class had a ‘Great Fire of London‘ with Somerset Museum Service. Their attitude to the learning was excellent and all pupils were fully engaged.

The level of knowledge from pupils in all age groups has been very encouraging to experience and there is a lot of ‘sticky knowledge’ being shared. Every class is focussing on this, currently, as we unpick the question: “How do we know our pupils are retaining the key knowledge?

I was very proud to see some of our pupils involved in some ‘courageous advocacy’ with their cub group at Trull. The collection they did for RAFT (Refugee Aid from Taunton, I believe) resulted in 8 good bags (thank you, families) going off to the warehouse, where they were greeted by the organisers and given a tour. The Bible has plenty to say about foreigners, strangers and sojourners, all now known as migrants, refugees and stateless people. Our cubs at Thurlbear lead the way and carry these words with them:

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.” —Ephesians

I have also been delighted to see classes enjoying our wonderful prize-draw books! It goes to show that some people do win these competitions and we have benefitted from the generosity of Mrs Hampson’s efforts.

  • Our clubs are now all online, so families are invited to pay any outstanding balances. Thanks for your patience and understanding with our recent appalling weather when one or two sessions changed to indoors or onto the playground. Mr Prisk’s football sessions with Y3 and 4 have looked great.
  • Spring Term Family Consultation Days are being held on Monday 18th March and Thursday 21st. This will give you the opportunity to talk to the class teacher about academic progress and future targets. You will receive the slip to fill in next week, if you have not already. As always, the 10-minute slots are organised by teachers and, should you have more than one child in school, they will liaise with each other in a face to face meeting to give you the most sensible timings. We don’t always get this correct first-time, so please do check! The teachers always try and cater for split families, but I appeal to you: if you can, please attend the same slot. Our teachers usually stay until 7:30pm each night of the Consultations and fitting in extra spaces stretches their evenings even further.
  • Next week is WORLD BOOK DAY and we will be celebrating it in our PJs! Miss Kelloway is leading on this and has already sent out some excellent communication regarding it on our parental engagement tools.
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