End-of-Week Review 8.3.24

World Book Day has inspired some brilliant and creative moments right across school, this week. I have been so impressed with the quality of writing and art in particular, with some pieces showing such a considered and careful use of figurative language from Year 2s all the way through to our Oak Y6 writers. Lots of it will have come home, but I am keeping some for a display in school (pupils will get it back, I promise, after it is photocopied).

Take a look at this shot of Year 6 cascading their knowledge to Year 2, all about volcanoes, earthquakes plate tectonics! The sheer excitement of Oak pupils leading their own learning and experiments is clear to see on those Year 2 faces!

I don’t like to pigeon-hole pupils into future jobs. Our “Train Up a Child” vision holds the door open for every pupil to aspire to be a successful adult in the future. But if Maisie is not a teacher when she is older, then I will be amazed! She is kind, patient, positive and great at communicating – and this shot by Miss Warrington captured all of that in her face. A brilliant capture of communication between younger and older pupils…

  • All families should now have times for the Consultations later in the month (Monday 18th and Thursday 21st). Please make sure times make sense if you have more than one child! Teachers have met and liaised over these time slots. Teachers – if they choose to use them – have 10mins timers. for their tables! This is NOT to look rude, but to keep themselves on track. We find that the bell can actually prove unhelpful when it rings out halfway during a talk!
  • Information is coming home regarding an M and M Production of Oliver Twist! This is a full theatrical performance from the comfort of our own school hall and these have been brilliant in the past. WE are asking for a contribution of £4 which covers the cost of the production only – we NEVER make a profit when asking for contributions to these events.
  • LOST PROPERTY has been put out by Mrs Carter today (Friday) and we will continue to do this over next week, weather permitting. We have a LOT of clothing with no names, so please check this weekend.
  • Online payments can still be made for this half term’s after school activities. I have been loving my Computer Club and we have been using Super Action Comic Maker to make exciting comics! https://www.culturestreet.org.uk/activities/superactioncomicmaker/
  • Next week is THE BIG PLASTIC COUNT and you can do this at home, too! You can find out more, here:
  • thebigplasticcount.com
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