Important Announcement for 18th December

Dear Thurlbear families,
Last month, the government published its ‘Winter Plan’, in which schools were told that they would not be allowed to close early, to try and protect the pupils and adults in their school communities before the Christmas break, and that they should be educated until the very last day of term. We complied with this measure.
Yesterday, at 2pm, we received a government email signalling a U-turn on this order, now suggesting that schools can move an existing INSET day and use it on Friday 18th December. This was to avoid me, as Head, being on track-and-trace duty on Christmas Ev
Although there are some benefits to this idea, we feel that it is unfair and unrealistic for families to try and find childcare for that final Friday with such short notice. As you know, as a school we have published our INSET dates with your full knowledge around 10 months ago, so to give you 9 days’ notice of this change seems very unfair and doesn’t reflect how an effective school works. Our INSET days are true days of training for teachers and should be given the importance they deserve. Therefore, Thurlbear will be open next Friday 18th and your children will be learning and involved in sessions on that day. I fully understand that our Thurlbear families will have vastly different opinions on this, but please understand this decision has been taken with you in mind, not my own Christmas holiday.
In terms of COVID track and trace procedures from 18th to 24th December, I will send more information out in Friday’s newsletter, detailing how you can contact me up to Christmas Eve, should you receive a positive test result.

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