Christmas is a wonderful time of the year for sharing your messages of hope, happiness and well-being to your friends and family. However, we know that getting together and sharing that time, this year, is not possible for our whole-school community.
So, what can we do about it?
We would like to put together a Christmas video message from however many families and people would like to join in! Simply video yourself giving a short message to our school community (no longer than 10 seconds) and attach it to an email and send it to our school email .
E-safety thoughts
What will we do with the video? Your video will be put together with other messages from around the school community and made into one film. It will be used in its entirety and not be edited in any way. It will then be posted on our public YouTube channel. If you send us a video, then you are consenting for us to use it in our video, only.
For how long? The message will be used and shared over the Christmas period and then deleted in January.
Who can record a message? Anyone! Do you know any famous people!? Get them to record a message! All videos will be vetted, firstly, then used in the overall film.
Please send them in by TUESDAY 15TH DECEMBER and I can then create the whole film! Hopefully, this will be a positive finish for 2020.