
I will put this out as a blog post on our website, too, rather than a full newsletter. You will also find it on Class Dojo, so apologies for the saturation, but different families like information in different places:

– Next week, you will have noticed that there is a RED WEATHER WARNING for parts of the country. Last time: wind…this time: heat.

AS OF TODAY, the Local Authority have NOT suggested that schools will need to close, so we continue with our risk assessments in school: PE Kit as a choice of clothing, sunhats, shade wherever possible, LIMITED physical activity, sun cream and use of our gazebos! IF the guidance changes – and Heads have been told to be on standby over the weekend – then I will communicate ASAP, as always.

– Thanks for supporting our Sports Day- it was a brilliant experience and, possibly, the best-attended I have had here at Thurlbear! Thank you for the general help with our gazebos at the end! Yes, they were pinned into the ground in every corner but, with the drying conditions, I think they simply popped out as if it were sand. Again, your attitude as a community was great, so thanks.

– Mrs Linthorne, one of your Parent Governor Representative, had raised the question of adults running clubs in school post-September. It is, no doubt, an excellent pool of experts you would be very welcome to express an interest in organising something, albeit with the correct DBS checks (we can help with this). Any questions, any thoughts, please contact the office team!

– REPORTS are being sent out electronically, in our drive to cut down on some elements of paper resourcing. This is taking some time due to our email system in school and the changeover to a new address. These will be done by Monday for all classes. It has been my pleasure to read the comments and personally comment on all 203 reports that have gone out.

– Sunday is Piddlewood Plod (and it definitely will be in this heat) so look out for Mrs Yellowley (great runner), Mrs Collings (great runner) and me (oh) taking on the course. I believe Mrs Hampson may have been asking for any cake donations for Sunday and the runners!? I will be driving over from Charmouth at 6am to open up, so I hope to see some of you out and about on the course!

– And thank you ALL for your incredible support at the Summer fair and the brilliant amount raised. So proud to be a Head of such a supportive community.

Have a great – and safe – weekend!

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